Monday, November 17, 2008


I read the following somewhere, though I cannot recall where or when:
"The most valuable part of a cup is the empty space in the center."
That got me thinking, and I wrote the following:
With what part of ourselves do we perceive nature?
Where do we hear God?
Where do our friends live?
The empty space in the center.

And what is there beyond nature, God, and friendship? There is nothing beyond these three. When I say this, I am thinking of friendship in its most expansive meaning, including the friendship that is the relationship between man and wife, between parent and child, friendship -- the connection between the souls of two people.

I'm writing this as we approach the nativity, as we wait in anticipation of the presense of God once again. Now, as you all know so well, is the time to cultivate emptiness so that we may see, so that we may hear, so that we may perceive.

I would love to hear all of your thoughts on this topic.


Anonymous said...

Seems to me that's from the Taoteching. I like that quote, a lot.

Quercus said...

Maybe "friendship" is another name for "spirit" in its highest form. We are called to empty ourselves, right?--just as you say.

Anonymous said...

Equating "friendship" with "spirit" is an awkward turn of phrase, but I do get something from the equation.

I would say that one fundamental quality of human spirit is expressed in friendship. It is, of course, the amplification of one spirit through its relationship to another spirit.

In more general terms, the human spirit is not really complete unless it relates to other human spirits. Moreover, one's spirit never quite attains the best of such relations until it finds a relation to The Spirit, Himself--Maker of all spirits.

Returning to specifics...
There are many kinds of relationships--marriage, servant, master, acquaintance.

The question follows: is any one of kind of relationship preferable to, or a better expression of, or help to, the human spirit?