Monday, January 14, 2008

Ego Trip

"The doors, the doors, in wisdom let us attend." Shut the doors to the senses. Close them one at a time until you have closed all six. Lock them securely.

Incence is a useless stick until it burns itself away into beautiful fragrance.

Cut off the ego. It is nothingness grasping at everything.

What does it want? It wants to be admired, for everything. It wants to be admired for its looks; for its intelligence; for its talent; for its courage; for its spirituality; for its athleticism.

But what is admiration but a vaprous ghost? What if no one admires me for my looks, my mind, my athletic prowess? What if no one admires me for my courage or my spirituality? What if I never become a great author? What if I have none of these things? What if I am none of these things? What if no one admires me? What then have I lost? Nothing! I have lost nothing because admiration is a thing that no one can possess at all. It is not mine. It is not a part of me.