Tuesday, February 19, 2008

An Ecologically Provocative Haiku

Dirt smells good
Excrement stinks
Why is this?


Billy Blake said...

Dirt smells good because it is natural waste. Human crap stinks because it is composed of un-natural components because our lives are so out of wack with the natural order of the planet.

Anonymous said...

I was at the zoo today.
Graffe crap stinks, too.

If an allegory must be made of this, then..

Excrement stinks because it is the stuff rejected by the body as useless (biologically speaking): it does not give the body what it needs to go on living. Allegorically, crap is opposed to life.

Dirt, on the other hand, is the medium of growth, both as a source of life-giving nutrients, and as a means of distributing the same. Allegorically, dirt is seminal to life.

Life smells good.
Death stinks.

Ishmael said...

worms crap dirt.