Dirt smells good because it is natural waste. Human crap stinks because it is composed of un-natural components because our lives are so out of wack with the natural order of the planet.
Excrement stinks because it is the stuff rejected by the body as useless (biologically speaking): it does not give the body what it needs to go on living. Allegorically, crap is opposed to life.
Dirt, on the other hand, is the medium of growth, both as a source of life-giving nutrients, and as a means of distributing the same. Allegorically, dirt is seminal to life.
What do you look for most in movies or literature?
Whither goest thou, America?
Who are your favorite candidates from each party?
Election 2008: which of the following issues do you consider most important to informing your support of a candidate?
Which of the following are you most concerned about? (I tried to configure this so that you can select multiple answers.)
The good books
Heart of Darkness
Christ the Eternal Tao
Wounded by Love
Visions of Gerard
Rumi's poetry
Leaves of Grass
the gospel of John
Emerson's essays
Zen and the Birds of Appetite
Song of Songs
Tao te Ching
The Brothers Karamazov
Which of the following have most profoundly affected you? You can choose a couple of answers.
Quotations (feel free to add to this list)
"Always be ready to speak your mind, and a base man will avoid you." -- William Blake
"Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes." -- Thoreau
"I don't want to die without any scars." -- Tyler Durden
"I have perceived that to be with those I like is enough." -- Walt Whitman
"If real is what you can feel, smell, taste and see, then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain." -- Morpheus
"My headphones saved my life." -- Bjork
"Perfect humility dispenses with modesty." -- C.S. Lewis
movies worth watching
The Painted Veil
Three Seasons
Smoke Signals
Step Into Liquid
The Long Hot Summer
The Matrix
Cool Hand Luke
Fight Club
The Mission
Outside of your own world view, which of the following do find most resonates with you?
Which of the following would you say have been the most influential in forming who you are today?
Sacred Cows: which of the following would you identify as the most sacred of American cows? In other words, which seems to be the most socially unacceptable to question?
Dirt smells good because it is natural waste. Human crap stinks because it is composed of un-natural components because our lives are so out of wack with the natural order of the planet.
I was at the zoo today.
Graffe crap stinks, too.
If an allegory must be made of this, then..
Excrement stinks because it is the stuff rejected by the body as useless (biologically speaking): it does not give the body what it needs to go on living. Allegorically, crap is opposed to life.
Dirt, on the other hand, is the medium of growth, both as a source of life-giving nutrients, and as a means of distributing the same. Allegorically, dirt is seminal to life.
Life smells good.
Death stinks.
worms crap dirt.
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